The beaming bride
And the could tell they were looking so forward to the future together.
And let me introduce them as Mr. and Mrs.
Wedding #2 for the same weekend... This is a wonderfully sweet couple...the waited more years than some of us to find each other, and I believe...they are off to a good start of happily ever after. The bride did a phenominal job in moving her wedding date up several months. It was amazing how perfect it was, considering she need to finalize everything within a couple weeks.
And here they are... sweet has ever...
Here is to the gorgeous...sweet...amazing...BRIDE. Due to the unusual circumstances I was not able to meet with them prior to the wedding. I knew the groom, but the bride was a stranger to me...until moments before the ceremony commenced. She made me feel so at ease. Thanks SO much!
There is one more outstanding and forbearing person I want to thank, and that is my wonderful husband who manned my second camera. Bless his heart...he is very good at getting the candid shots...and he did that again. Thanks, to the most wonderful man around.
One more shot of the bride and groom